Jaclyn Kaminski

VP, Global Director of Sustainability
McCann Worldgroup
London, United Kingdom


Where do you find inspiration in your work?

My inspiration comes from something Sir David Attenborough recently said- that sustainability is simply a communications issue and our industry has the power and potential to drive the change needed. I couldn’t believe this more and it is what keeps me going daily.

Which co-worker do you most admire and why?

I’ve had the pleasure of working with many astounding leaders over my past 5.5 years at McCann Worldgroup. I couldn’t ever pick just one. Laura Simpson’s compassion, Samantha Giles’ strength, Jonathan Brown’s grace and intelligence, Sheryl Majoram’s leadership style (and wardrobe!) standout amongst the many.

What is your proudest work accomplishment?

Launching MW’s first Sustainability Department.

I feel lucky to have been connected with Ariana Stolarz and Laura Simpson, my ‘partners in purpose’, to elevate the sustainability conversation within our organization. Its never been more important for businesses to act now and do their part to sustain and replenish the planet.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment?

Receiving 4 masters-level sustainability-related certifications from the University of Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership and tinkering away at my Masters – all while managing to keep my head screwed on at work.

What piece of advice would you give your 10-year-old self?

Buy bitcoin.

What piece of advice would you give your 80-year-old self?

Congrats, you made it. Celebrate life.

How do you explain to your family about what you do?

My family knows our industry can work with celebrities for client campaigns- it seems to be the one thing they remember. With my change in role, they recently asked if I was now going to work with Greta Thunberg or Leonardo DiCaprio to change the world, I said yes.

What work from McCann Worldgroup made you proud of what we do?

‘Cycle’ Freda by McCann Madrid. This work helps make significant progress towards SDG xx, reducing inequalities, by rethinking language used around period care products, ensuring its products are inclusive and accessible for all.

How would your colleagues describe you?

According to someone I just asked – ‘a tenacious problem solver and stubbornly persistent’.

How do you bring creativity to what you do?

My father built a living off creativity through art. Therefore, creativity has always been ingrained in the way I think since I was little. Although my creativity doesn’t look great on canvas, I can see it, think it, feel it, and use it to problem-solve.


Dominik Heinrich