Johanna Gómez

Senior Planner
McCann Worldgroup
Bogotá, Colombia


Where do you find inspiration in your work?

The world is a huge source of inspiration. You can find ideas and ways to solve your client’s issues just by walking around the city. You may get inspiration from an apple on a farmer's market, in the middle of a team’s meeting, scuba diving, or taking a shower. You just have to be open and let inspiration take you by surprise.

Which co-worker do you most admire and why?

I've been blessed with my co-workers. I've tried to name only one, but it's definitely not possible. What I can do is point out the common traits that I admire amongst them: Respect, fast-thinking, a big heart, flawless grammar and spelling, and a great sense of humor.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment?

Definitely being a mom. Having a product without a clear brief, who is constantly changing and all you can do is be strategically patient and creative.

What talent, skill, trait, etc. has helped you most at work?

Being in love with my job. Enjoying every moment, every brief, every campaign… always giving my best. If I ever lose that, then I'll know it's time to move on.

What piece of advice would you give your 10-year-old self?

Stop trying to look older, there's a time and a place for everything… and pretty please don't give away your book collection!

What piece of advice would you give your 80 year-old self?

I hope you feel that it was worth it. We've come this far, but there are still mysteries to solve and questions to be answered. We're not there yet.

How do you explain to your family about what you do?

My mom thinks I'm a survey monkey. My dad believes I'm a salesperson. My son believes I have a lot of meetings. What can I say, they're all right, but it's more than that. But after 12 years of telling them what I really do, I gave up. So whatever floats their boats.

What work from McCann Worldgroup made you proud of what we do?

For this question I don’t have to think twice: My favorite one is Chevrolet's LOST ROADS. I think it's the best example of what we represent at McCann: Inclusion, diversity, and powerful ideas. LOST ROADS shows our commitment with ex-combatants and victims of the armed conflict in Colombia, but also shows the product and the brand`s meaningful role. What else is the production is awesome, full of the most amazing landscapes.

How would your colleagues describe you?

I decided to ask around and it was a very meaningful and reassuring activity. Most of them describe me as passionate, committed, enthusiastic, challenging and inspiring, and also strong-headed, but what can I say, I think that is part of being a planner.

We talk a lot about meaningful roles that brands can earn in people’s lives…but what would you say is the meaningful role you have earned on your team? Are you the confidant issuing sage advice in a tough situation? Etc. etc. etc.

I always try to be authentic and spontaneous. That's the fun of it!


Dominik Heinrich