Our work with Mastercard.

Protecting people from gender discrimination at checkout.



32% of people who have shown an ID card with a name or gender that did not match their gender presentation were verbally harassed, denied benefits or services, asked to leave the venue, or assaulted.

As a result, for the transgender and non-binary communities, their payment card can serve as a daily reminder of their misrepresented identity and a danger to their safety. We had to do something about it.

We Introduced True Name—a product that embodies Mastercard’s mission of acceptance. True Name is the first payment product to allow individuals to prominently feature the name they associate with on the front of their cards. The aim was to set a new industry standard to bring historically marginalized groups within the LGBTQIA2S+ community to the forefront.


Case study.


“Once we understood the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community, it was incredible to design something we knew was going to make a tremendous impact on peoples’ lives and that our partners would be excited to join us in.”

Executive Vice President
North America
Cheryl Guerin

“This small act helps protect us from discrimination, harassment and physical violence while also validating our existence. I'm optimistic this will inspire more brands to make meaningful change.”

Associate Creative Director
New York
Lucas Crigler


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