Issue One.

Welcome to earn, McCann Worldgroup’s quarterly magazine providing a behind-the-curtain look at how we help brands earn a meaningful role in people’s lives.

We can’t think of a better time to launch this magazine. Our own research from MW's Truth Central has shown that as trust in government and media dwindled during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, people increasingly looked to brands for information, guidance, and comfort.

Our mission is to be the irrefutable leader in creativity and that only happens when we help brands heed that call in real, enduring and impactful ways. We’re excited to show you some of the ways we do that in the pages below.

If you have any questions or want to talk through any ideas that earn spurs, please feel free to connect with us.

Our Work.

Dive into some of our most recent work and explore the creative ways in which our teams are helping brands earn a meaningful role in people’s lives globally.

  • Protecting people from gender discrimination at checkout

    The first card that allows Trans and Nonbinary people to use their chosen name.

  • Making electric vehicles accessible to everyone.

    Leading the mass adoption of electric vehicles to incite actionable climate change from Wall Street to Main Street.

  • Breaking cultural taboos to encourage women’s health and cancer screenings.

    Tradition prevented Lebanese women from talking about their bodies, so we demonstrated how to perform a self-exam without mentioning breasts.

  • Diversifying entertainment to be more indicative of the population.

    Brazil needed a new Christmas story that was more reflective of its population and we told it through a soap opera.

  • Bringing together science and music to naturally alleviate pain.

    A first-of-its-kind study reveals a combination of sounds can help people better tolerate acute pain with non-pharmacological treatment, but how?


Our Smarts.

Gain insight from our top experts on the industry’s most topical conversations.


Paul Frances for earn



We will soon be living in a cookieless world.

What does it mean for brands when third-party cookies are eliminated?


“I predict these changes will spur some of the best creative in some time, allowing brands to tell beautifully crafted stories and increase the focus on consumers and their privacy.”

Chief Global Technology Officer
Jayna Kothary


Despite all the anxiety around the issue, MRM’s Chief Global Technology Officer sees a creative renaissance.

Read more about what she has to say in her article originally published in AdAge.


Paul Frances for earn



The impact of a frictionless society on meaningful human connection.

Technology is propelling us forward at ever-faster rates, but it takes a human touch to keep us on track.


Chief Intelligence Officer, Truth Central 
McCann Worldgroup
Laura Simpson


Senior Global Strategist, Truth Central 
McCann Worldgroup
Alex Grignon


“Now is the time for businesses and institutions to evaluate the ways in which removing or adding friction can, in turn, inspire greater joy, facilitate the truth and foster meaningful connections.


McCann Worldgroup’s Truth Central team dives into the importance of human connection in the face of technology that’s developed recently to make our society frictionless. 

Read more about what the data points to when it comes to a frictionless future in Ad Age.


John J. Custer for earn



Technology’s role in healthcare accessibility depends on the strength of the doctor/ technology relationship.


As the world simultaneously looks to technology to help us navigate the pandemic and the medical community to get us out of it, the need for both to work together and amplify grows clearer with each day.


Global Chief Strategy Officer 
McCann Health
Hilary Gentile


Senior Strategic Planner
McCann Health
Sarah Cockle-Hearne


“When it comes to the relationship between doctors and technology, the pandemic has been an epiphany.

Instead of displacing doctors, technology has the power to help them provide better care, supercharging the humanity and empathy that lies at the heart of medicine.”


Executives from McCann Health discuss the impacts that technology has had on healthcare and healthcare providers during the pandemic and the importance of both working together.

Read more about the importance of doctor/technology relationships in STAT News.


Paul Frances for earn


Thought Leadership. Byline.

Conscious inclusion
is essential
for success.

Our business must be driven by diversity, equity, and inclusion practices, and that begins at home.


“It is crucial to understand the impact of marketing on popular culture and how it can become a dynamic factor that promotes the sustainable development of all societies.”

McCann Worldgroup
Latin American & Caribbean
Fernando Fascioli


Read more from Fernando about the LATAM and Caribbean region’s conscious inclusion journey and the impact that it’s had on the business at Think With Google.


John J. Custer for earn


Expert Sourcing.

People want and need a return to live events.

As people in different parts of the world emerge from the pandemic and out of their homes, live events are a key focus… a long-awaited return to a sorely-missed part of the human experience.


“Brands have the opportunity to enhance and engage with a captive audience like never before as long as they truly understand how music fans’ focus has shifted during the pandemic.”

Chairman and CEO
Chris Weil


A large global study conducted by Momentum Worldwide explored people’s attitudes towards returning to live events, finding that 60% plan to attend as many experiences and live events as possible. 

Read more about what the study reveals in Adweek’s “Data Points”.


Our Intelligence Hub.


MW Truth Central is our global intelligence unit dedicated to unearthing the macro-level truths that drive people’s attitudes and behaviors about life, brands, and marketing.

Our team of trend and insight experts regularly author global studies packed with actionable perspectives that are as creative as they are analytically sharp.


Truth about a well world (2021).

The first of our “Truth About A Well World” events included a keynote speaker from the United Nations, and explored the findings of two new major global Truth Central studies – “The Truth About Wellness” and “The Truth About Sustainability’’—with a particular focus in each on the implications for brand marketers and businesses.


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major effect in reshaping people’s views and definitions of what it means to be well. In fact, 80% of the world’s population now say that their definition of wellness has changed, with mental health surprisingly emerging as the #1 future health concern.


We also found out that older generations are more concerned about sustainability than younger generations. Throughout a myriad of insights, one theme kept emerging: brands have an enormous opportunity to help us, and our world, get well.



McCann Worldgroup's Truth about Wellness 2021 study builds on 10 years of trended global data and research about the shape, role, and meaning of wellness in people’s lives. Conducted by McCann Worldgroup Truth Central, the organization's global intelligence unit, this large-scale quantitative study surveyed more than 48,600 people in 26 countries* and builds on two prior editions of the study published in 2013 and 2015. For the qualitative component of the research, Truth Central built an online ethnographic community of over 1,000 respondents across 24 markets and also ran a Global Wellness Truth Hunt across 9 markets.

The Truth About Sustainability study includes 32,000 Global Interviews across 26 markets (Wave 1, 2019), 11,700 Global Interviews across 18 markets (Wave 2, 2021), 1,000 Online qualitative community interviews across 24 markets, 55 Interviews across the global McCann Worldgroup network and 13 Expert interviews across a range of geographies and disciplines.


Truth about culture & COVID-19 (2020-2021)

Gripped by a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, people around the world have increasingly turned to data to navigate the uncertainty of the public health crisis.


The Truth About Culture and COVID-19 tracks the dynamics of culture through this global crisis and provides marketers with a roadmap to resilience, recovery, and renewal.

COVID19 Timeline

This timeline reveals key findings generated across ten waves of research, inclusive of cultural signposts and modalities for brand activities. Click to explore and download.


The study has been grounded in five distinct human truths: discovery, connection, purpose, love, and success.

The ongoing initiative unearths key findings generated across nine waves of research to date.


Interested in learning more?



Quantitative: Sample size-136,384. Countries surveyed: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, U.K., U.S. 

Qualitative: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belgrade, Brazil, Chile, Cyprus, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Spain, U.K., U.S.


Our Events.

Upcoming live, hybrid, and virtual events.
Join us and say hi.




Spontaneously Candid

Staff Editor
Fast Company
Jeff Beer


Chief Strategy Officer
McCann Worldgroup
Harjot Singh


In this episode, Harjot turns the table on this veteran reporter…instead of telling him our story we find out more about his.

What are the key themes of his personal narrative? What drives him? What scares him? What is he proud of and what does he wish he could take back? If we were writing a full feature on Jeff Beer – what would the headline be?

He is one of the most well-regarded reporters covering our space, having written at Fast Company for years and for a suite of the industry’s top outlets before that. But in this episode Harjot is the reporter and he is our subject.

Listen to this episode to find out more about the person behind the byline.


Our People.

Meet some of our employees from our diverse agencies across the globe.